POC Release Information
POC Release Information
Tennessee Code Ann. 68-3-506: Authorization for the Final Disposition of a Dead Fetus, requires that prior to the disposition of a dead fetus or products of conception, regardless of gestational age, that an authorization for final disposition be obtained from the parents. In order to comply with this regulation, Highlands Pathology Consultants, P.C. has developed the Products of Conception (POC) Release Form, which should accompany the products of conception when they are submitted to us from your private practice.
We are sensitive to the emotional needs of your patients and assure you of our most compassionate handling of the products of conception. But in order to provide a timely disposition of the fetal remains and products of conception, we must have the completed Authority to Release Products of Conception form sent to us along with the specimen and Surgical Pathology Requisition.
Thank you for your attention to this sensitive matter. If we can be of any additional help in training your nursing staff, or if they have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.